Thank you to everyone who attended our last event featuring Graciela from Mexico. Graciela walked us through how to make Posole from scratch, which was a great experience. This dish is made with pork, two different types of chiles, and a variety of spices. You can even regulate how spicy your dish is by adjusting the amount of chile sauce you add to the broth.
As Graciela explained, this dish is typically made in the fall/winter during special events, such as holidays and birthdays. It is a large, easy to make dish, that can feed many people. This recipe makes about 6 servings! So if you are looking for a big dish packed full of traditional spices and flavor, look no further!
The ingredients and recipe are below, but as always make sure to keep an eye out for our next Culture Kitchen event!

Ingredients (6 servings)
2 (10oz) Cans of White Hominy
~5 lbs Pork Shoulder, Cubed
1 package Chile New Mexico Pods
1 package Chile Pasilla (Ancho-Negro) Pods
1 Package Mixed Spices
1 Head of Garlic
1 Yellow Onion
3-4 ct Limes
3-4 tbsp Chicken Flavor Bouillon
3 tbsp Salt
2 Bay Leaves
3-4 ct Red Radish (optional)
1/2 Head of Lettuce or Cabbage (optional)
1. Cut up pork shoulder into cubes.
2. Fill up a pot of water; 3/4 full. Add in half of a yellow onion, 3-4 garlic cloves, 2 bay leaves and salt. Add in cut up pork and let cook for about an hour on medium heat.
3. While the pork is cooking, clean your Chile pods and deseed them. Once they’re clean, grab a smaller pot and fill up with water about 2/3 full and add your deseeded Chiles. Remove from heat once chiles have softened.
4. In a blender add your soft chiles, 1/4 yellow onion, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tbs of mixed spices, 1/2 cup of water, and lastly add some chicken flavored bouillon (add to taste; you could also use salt instead).
5. Once blended, put sauce to the side.
6. Open your canned hominy and strain it. Run it through water until clean.
7. Check on the meat. If the meat is soft and tender go ahead and add the clean white hominy.
8. Next you’re going to add the sauce; color and flavor will depend on the amount of sauce you put in. Measure to taste, the more sauce you put in the spicer it will be so measure accordingly.
9. Lastly add some chicken flavored bouillon to taste (or you could use salt). Bring this to a simmer until all ingredients come together.
10. Slice up some radishes, cut up some limes, chop up some lettuce (or cabbage), and some onions.
11. Once stew is all ready, serve hot and top off with sliced radishes, onion, lettuce and some lime. (You could accompany posole with some tostadas or tortilla chips).
Graciela and her family recommend enjoying posole
with tostadas and mayo spread on top of them!